Thursday, November 20, 2008

Internet Marketing for Doctors

Now, being that I am a doctor, and that many of my friends asking me for help are also doctors or health care professionals, this website is tailored to the social networking and blogging needs of people that specifically blog about health.

Now of course anyone is welcome to follow my advice, but my advice is tailored to help those in health care be a huge success. I want to see everyone putting their heart out there to get people healthy be a success.

So, that is why I will be focusing on internet marketing for health care providers. I know how busy you are. I worked in the primary care trenches for eight LONG years and know you have very little free time.

My marketing tips are things you can do a minimum of just 15 minutes a day and see your blog grow. If you have more time to spend that is great...but consistency is key, stick with the basics that I "preach" here, develop a solid routine, practice it five days a week at least, and sit back and watch your blog grow.

15 Minutes OR 15 Hours? How Much Marketing is Enough?

How much time should you spend each day marketing your blog?

Too much and you will burn yourself out. Too little and you will not reach your goals.

My best efficiency tip for internet marketing is CONSISTENCY. Whether you have 15 minutes a day or 15 hours a day to market your blog as long as you are consistent with it you will be successful.

The natural tendency of any internet site is to snowball with success, if you plug away at it bit by bit then it will inevitably develop in to a success.

How much time do you spend marketing and social networking on your various sites each day?

How much time would you like to spend doing this?

How can you be more efficient with your online marketing campaign?

Do you even have an online marketing campaign?


Hi there everyone!

The goal at this website is for me to share some healthy blogging tips...aka the things I do to keep myself healthy while I am sitting around all day on the internet, and how to keep things in balance between work, family, friends, blogging, and most importantly---the passion we all share in common as "bloggers"---WRITING!

Writing is the most important thing when it comes to blogging and it always seems to get cast to the wayside by socialnetworking, forums, IM, writer's block, sickness, and other obstacles on our path to success.

I think EVERY health care professional should have a blog, but not everyone should do it full time for a living. You have to be passionate about your topic to the point that you can write two to three things about it every single day for the rest of your life. If you aren't going to do it professionally, it certainly doesn't mean that you can't dabble in the blogosphere to improve the Google and Alexa rankings of your website. You want to blog so that your rank will improve, ranking high on the internet will help potential clients or patients find you.

You also want to blog about your favorite topics so that other like minded people in your niche, or again patients that are looking for an expert in your niche will be able to find you.

Not everyone can maintain the passion it takes to run a full time professional health blog. Sometimes not even me, which is why we will talk about how to keep it all in balance so that you can be a blogger for the long haul.

I run a fabulous and fun website over at and have learned quite a few things over the past year of putting it together. Trust me, I don't know everything, but I certainly do know enough to tell you that marketing yourself or your product on the internet can be extremely overwhelming...especially if you over do it.

I will also go through a blog and give it a "makeover" once a week. I started this blog advice thread over at Blog Catalog one day when my blog was down for maintenence, and it really taught me A LOT! Critiquing other people's blogs and suggesting ways to improve made me realize I needed to practice what I preached. I also realized that I actually had some helpful insight and support to offer newbie bloggers and it really feels great to share my wisdom with the talented and hard working bloggers that deserve it. I saw some amazing transformations occur just from a few of my simple tips.

Blogging can be tough. Blogging can be difficult. Blogging can be stressful.

But the blog doctor is now IN, and here to try to answer questions and share her latest social networking tips.

So welcome aboard! And stay tuned for more :D